QCC - At a Glance > Membership Information (including By-Laws)

Membership Info and Registration Form


:) :D :)  Come Join the Fun!  :D :) :D
Membership includes full access to the website, online event registration, and access to the links within the site.
Members and their guests are welcome at all club events.

Annual Dues are a special $20.00 for our 20th Anniversary in 2024 for the Calendar Year (January 1 - December 31)

If you join in the last quarter of the year, your membership is valid through the following year; e.g., one joining on October 5, 2022 will be a member in good standing through December 31, 2023.

In order to register, please click on the link below to open the Membership Application Form
Please fill out the form, enclose a check for $20 (made payable to "The Queen City Coopers") and mail it to the address below:
QCC Membership
Nancy Cusick
5227 Mississippi Ave
Fairfield, OH 45014

Once we receive your information, we will authorize your website access to enable your ability to review postings, photos, sign up for events/drives and so much more
(Please note this can take a few days) 

See the attachment for the membership application form


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